The new rules of golf came into effect on 1 January 2019 and are now embedded.
These local rules reflect these changes including pace of play.
Local Rules apply to various areas of the course and MUST be adhered to.
Please check the club noticeboard for any urgent temporary changes.
Free relief – Rules 15 & 16
Abnormal conditions are: Animal Hole; GUR; Immovable Obstruction; Temporary Water.
Practice – Rule 5.2b
Penalty Areas – Rule 17
A ball is out of bounds if played in, over or through the natural boundaries of the course. i.e. fences, hedges, ditches and woods together with the white posts which define the confines of the course. The Bird Sanctuary, Firing Range, Cemetery, Putting Green, Car Park, Club House and surrounding pavements are all out of bounds.
The ball is OOB when all of it lies out of bounds. No relief is allowed from objects defining out of bounds such as walls, fences, railings and stakes as they are 'outside of the confines of the course'.
The natural boundaries are not hole specific and a ball lying beyond any boundary is out of bounds regardless of the hole being played. When white boundary posts or markings are not evident the natural boundaries are specifically defined as follows:
Pace of Play Policy - When playing in club competitions if a group finishes the round more than a hole behind the group in front and over 4 hours 15 minutes from the time of starting, all players in the group are subject to a one stroke penalty. (See model local rule K -1).
Players should report slow play to the Committee.
Pace of play hints, tips and information: